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GH KS2 Citizenship Scheme Launching Jan 2025



Citizenship involves people working together to make positive differences to the society which they live in - locally, nationally and globally. The school has supported charities on each of these scales across many years, with the school council leading these charity fundraiser events (see School Council page). The school is currently actively seeking a school to link with outside of the UK in order to better understand each others differences and how we can work together to improve both our settings.


At Gatehouse Primary Academy we value the role that our children play in wider society and how this shapes the community that we all live in. For the last 3 years at Gatehouse our Year 6 pupils have had the opportunity to take part in the Torbay Civic Award, but we also want to enable pupils lower down the school to take part in a citizenship scheme and build their confidence towards completing a wider community role that all Year 6 can be can be part of. We plan to launch the scheme later in the Autumn term 2021.


Gatehouse Primary Academy

KS2 Citizenship Award


The purpose of the new awards are:


  • to encourage children to become responsible, informed and active members of their class, school and wider community
  • to recognise and acknowledge the active role pupils play in the life of the school and the wider community
  • to encourage children to make positive choices which will benefit their class, school and community
  • to encourage children to learn about aspects of citizenship education, including topical issues, rule and law-making, democracy, human rights, diversity.


Pupils will each have award cards that need to be completed and agreed by class teachers and will be awarded a badge and certificate during celebration assemblies.




This is for work within the class setting.

To achieve bronze at least 11 out of 13 of the criteria should be complete and recognised as being as a consistent behaviour in class.


  • I am well presented and wear the correct school uniform
  • I look after my belongings, including my sweatshirt, PE kit and cloakroom peg
  • I arrive at school punctually
  • I take care with my hand washing and sanitising and show respect when people want to distance
  • I hand in my reading journal and home learning punctually and have completed it as requested
  • I frequently go the extra mile with my reading journal and AR
  • I frequently go the extra mile with my home learning
  • I actively involve myself with paired and whole class learning
  • I put myself forward for pupil council
  • I make healthy food choices for break and lunch
  • I play cooperatively at break and lunch and line up well
  • I take part in a school club before, during or after school




This is for work within the key stage, phase or school.

To achieve the silver award you must complete one from this section:


  • I support lunchtimes in Key Stage 1
  • I represent the school in an intra-school event (sport, music, art, house competitions, school council, supporting a club)
  • I represent the school in an inter-school event (sport, music, art, FFT events)
  • I read with a younger pupil once a week for at least half a term.


To achieve the silver award you must also complete two tasks from this section:


  • I volunteer as a KS2 litter picker once a week for half a term
  • I volunteer as a lost property monitor once a week for half a term
  • I volunteer to support the librarians once a week for half a term
  • I volunteer as a dining room monitor once a week for half a term
  • I volunteer as a LKS2 playground helper once a week for half a term




This is to for work within the community.

To earn the gold award, you must complete three of the following tasks.


  • research a topical local, national or global issue and present to the class or in an assembly
  • raise money for my school through a cake sale, sponsored event or any other initiative of my choice;
  • raise money for our oversees link school* through an annual sponsored run or another initiative of my choice;
  • raise money for another charity of my choice.
  • contribute to the wider community through initiatives run by my clubs (cubs, brownies, place of worship for example);
  • My family and I involve ourselves in a local initiative which benefits the community (litter pick for example);
  • learn a new skill out of school.


*Overseas link school to be agreed



