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Attendance Communication

Registers are inspected on a regular basis by school staff (teachers, office staff and our attendance monitoring team).


Our attendance team meet half termly to review the school's attendance, as a whole school, per class and as individual pupils.  Their decisions and review may lead to a parent(s) receiving a letter or a call.  


Please do not hesitate to contact the office should you wish to view an overall attendance certificate.  Teachers will discuss attendance at parents evening.


Encouraging Good Attendance


At Gatehouse, we constantly strive and look for ways to improve the education for all our children. The target for attendance is 96.5%

Registers are inspected on a regular basis by school staff (teachers, office staff and our attendance monitoring team).

Our attendance team meet half termly to review the school's attendance, as a whole school, per class and as individual pupils. Their decisions and review may lead to a parent(s) receiving a letter.

See below for a summary of the communication that may be sent.


Letter 1

Where a child's attendance is giving the school cause for concern, an attendance letter will be sent advising the parent that their child's attendance has dropped below 96%.

Letter 2

If attendance continues to drop below 92%, letter 2 will be sent to invite parents and carers to a School Attendance Meeting with our Family Support Advisor. The aim of this meeting is to develop an action plan as to how school and parents can best support the pupil in improving their attendance. A date for a review meeting would also be set, so that we can continue to support the pupil and their family.

Letter 3

This is an optional letter, sent to parents following the School Attendance Meeting. It would include the action plan set out in the meeting, and confirmation of review date.

Letter 4

A further letter would be sent following the review meeting, with a further plan if necessary. If attendance has continued to drop, or if further support is required, a review meeting would be arranged with the Family Support Advisor.

Letter 5

In the event that the invited parent or carer does not attend the School Attendance Meeting, a letter would be sent asking parents/carers to contact the school to reschedule the meeting.


If a pupil’s attendance continues to fall to below 90%, they are considered a 'Persistent Absent' pupil. The Attendance Improvement Office (formerly known as Education Welfare Officers), may be contacted to seek advice and be involved. If you, as the parent/carer, do not follow any plan or contract set out, legal proceedings may be considered. More information can be found on our website:

Did you know, a child who is absent one day of school per week misses an equivalent of two years of their school life.

We are here to help and support you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss how we can work together.


If you believe that your child has an ongoing medical condition which keeps impacting on their ability to attend school fully, then the school would ask that the family talk to them about this and the school will consider developing an Individual Health Care Plan with the family and any appropriate health care professionals, to support the child with their education.  Medical evidence is requested, where possible.








