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  • Parents Evening Tonight

    Wed 19 Oct 2022

    South West Norse are kindly offering tasters and samples of school meals (our salad bar is offered during the school lunch but not available tonight) from 3.30 to 4.30pm tonight. Look out for their staff at the entrance of the school.

    Teas and Coffee's will be served in the library by our very own Mr Stephens and his team of helpers. Remember our book fair is in the library too for you to view. The book fair will be closing at 6pm.

    Mrs Toney is available in the Wrap Around Care facility should you have any questions or enquiries.

    Due to GDPR teachers will give you your child(ren)s books to view, they will not be left outside the classroom as in previous years.

    We look forward to welcoming you all to our parents evenings this week.

  • Book Fair

    Tue 18 Oct 2022

    Reminder - our book fair is open after school every day this week.

    Payments are online, through the link below

    or by using a QR code.

    (NB the book fair is in the library, there is no internet signal in our library).

    Please let our team know by showing your online payment confirmation that monies have been received.

    We are a cashless school however we will take cash if necessary, we do not hold change so it is vital you bring along the correct pennies if possible please.

    If you do wish to have a book that is not at the book fair, a separate order will be made via the school to schloastic.

    Thank you so much for your support.

    School Office
