First Federation Trust
Key Principles:
- Techniques and skills need to be taught, learned and acquired.
- Skills are progressive – developed and built upon throughout the primary art journey
- Children learn about the contributions of significant artists and designers
- Children are taught the vocabulary of art in order to use it to appreciate and evaluate their own and other’s art
- Children develop their creativity through exploring and developing ideas using a variety of mediums
Art Curriculum Map 2023-2025
Art Body of Knowledge 2023-2025
Art at Gatehouse 2.mp4

Sketchbooks in Art
Developing the use of sketchbooks has been a focus allowing children to document their journey in Art as they gain further knowledge and learn new skills. Sketchbooks are at the heart of our art curriculum and allow children to develop their ability and to be individual and creative artists.
We use sketchbooks in a variety of ways, including:
- to record ideas and information about artists, architects and designers
- to collect and annotate visual examples eg photographs, pictures
- to explore and develop ideas
- to investigate the visual elements of art
- to develop art vocabulary
- to practise and develop art skills
- to evaluate art work
Sketchbooks in Art.mp4

Art Across the Curriculum