First Federation Trust
School Closure Notification Out of School Hours
In the event we are advised to close by the government/or due to adverse weather conditions we will communicate with parents in the following way out of school hours:
The school website will be updated daily.
‘School Gateway App’ will provide key messages, newsletters to parents.
Parents can contact the school via School Gateway App and via Class Seesaw if information for the class teacher.
The school Facebook page will be updated, “Gatehouse Primary Academy'.
Radio Devon/Heart Radio will be informed where appropriate (such as in severe weather). If severe weather is anticipated parents should listen to the radio before leaving for school in the morning. and will also show information. Devon County Council will be informed and information placed on their website: where an up to date list of local school closures will be available.
Seesaw will be used to communicate work and messages from the class teachers.
School Closure Notification During School Hours
In the event of having to close for severe weather or for other unforeseen circumstances during the school day.
We will send parents/carers a text message and a message via ‘School Gateway App’ advising them that we are closing the school.
The school website will be updated with information confirming the closure of the school.
Local radio stations will be informed who will broadcast lists of local school closures.
Devon County Council will be informed and information placed on their website:
In the event of severe weather when the school is closed, we will remain with your child until a designated adult is available to collect them.
Classes will be merged, and the curriculum would be collapsed to allow safe supervision while pupils are being collected.
Home Learning:
On the day the school is closed, no home learning will be set, as the staff priority will be safety of the pupils, staff and their families.
All children, have access to their daily reading books which are sent home and access to Numbots or Timetables rockstars.
If the school remains closed the following days, the below structures will follow.
Home learning will be sent home via Seesaw.
Full day 1:
EYFS: RWI Video & Number blocks episodes to watch. In addition, some simple tasks or challenges which can be completed in the home.
KS1: All children will have daily reading, RWI speed sounds video, Numbots challenge and a Maths video sent via National Oak Academy.
KS2: All children will have daily reading, spelling shed activity, Timestables Rockstars Battle and a Maths video sent via National Oak Academy linked to their current area of learning.
Day 2-end of first week:
As above, but also -
EYFS: Some simple writing videos from the RWI portal. List of activities linked to current area of learning.
KS1&KS2: Daily writing task to be completed with a focus on previously taught learning.
Daily video sent linked to an area of non-core learning/Science to develop understanding.
Week 2 onwards:
Daily, live 'Teams live' with a teacher from the Unit for English or Maths and a video lesson for the other. Timetabled so that each Unit is live videoing at a different time to support families with multiple children.
With a daily menu of learning linked to new learning in school supported by videos and worksheets.