First Federation Trust
Registration Form - Wrap Around Care
Dear parents/carers,
Happy New Year and welcome back.
We wanted to update you on developments at our Wrap Around Care provision. We will be working alongside Devon County Council to improve our facility and the service we provide. From this term, you will start to see new changes and updates, please keep an eye out for emails.
This term, the children will be surveyed to find out their likes and dislikes; how we can enhance their play time at the club and see how they would like the room/area to be set up and decorated. We will also be sending out a survey to parents, later in the term and would be grateful for all feedback.
As previously communicated, all bookings are now online and can be done from home via ParentPay. If you are experiencing any problems, please contact our office team between 8.15am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday. The club's mobile phone is to be used only in case of an emergency.
It is vital that any changes to collection are communicated as the staff will have the contact list that was provided at registration. Any late changes to bookings may be subject to a charge, please let us know if your child is not attending as soon as possible. A late collection charge may apply if parents collect late, our last session ends at 6pm, starting from next week.
Devon County Council have encouraged us to open until 6pm each day. Therefore, for this term there will be three afternoon slots available to book each day. If you have been using ParentPay to book sessions at after school club, you will notice that there is now just one payment line "After School Club Monday to Friday". Any bookings that had been made on the previous payment line "After School Club Thursday and Friday", have been transferred to the new payment line. Please do log in to ParentPay to check your sessions are all present and correct. If the 6pm session is popular, we will introduce a further change in the next academic year 2025/2026, to offer just the 2 afternoon slots moving forward. We will keep you updated.
We do not run our club to make a profit, however in order for the club to flourish we encourage parents to not have arrears as we move from term to term. After some consideration, we will be setting up our online booking system so that payment is taken when bookings are made. However, we understand some parents need to pay by vouchers or through the national savings tax free service, or need a payment plan. Therefore, for these families, we will place the bookings online for them to override the instant payment option and will monitor the accounts. We would like to give you notice of this change, this will take place next term. In the meantime, please can we request all arrears relating to this term and previous terms are paid prior to the summer term. Shortly, we will send out a survey to see how parents pay and how we can achieve an easy transition to this new way of making payments.
Please can we request if you do have any items at home that you feel can be used in the club (in good condition) please drop into school.
As with all new systems we anticipate there could be some teething problems and ask that you bear with us.
Kind regards
Gatehouse Primary Academy
Secmaton Lane
Dawlish EX7 0LW
Telephone Number 01626 862605
Changes to booking sessions within our Wrap Around Care provision.
Dear parents and carers
We are excited to be launching an online booking system for our wrap around care. You will find that breakfast club and after school club sessions are now bookable via ParentPay. You are able to book your child(ren) in for all three sessions (breakfast and both after school club sessions until 4.30pm and 5.30pm). As you book in to a session, you will be able to see what availability there is for each session.
Please can we request bookings to be paid for in advance, or at the point of sale. For families in receipt of National Savings, please note that the same procedures will apply. If you require any statements, please contact the school office.
On parentpay you will see duplicate payment items for the club, we will transfer over balances from the old payment item to the new, this will happen after half term. Please can we request that arrears, from the old payment item, are cleared before the new half term begins.
Once balances are transferred over you will only be able to view the new payment item.
If you have already booked a space in any of the sessions for after half term, this has been uploaded to the system, for the next half term. It is vital that over the half term period that you please sign in to ParentPay to check your bookings are all correct, cancel any unnecessary bookings and make any other bookings that you require.
Please note that bookings can be made up to 48hours in advance of the session. If you need to book in to a session after this time, please contact the school office.
Please see below guidance that you may find useful:
How to Book a Clubs Session - Video
How to Book a session - Step by Step Guide
If you have any questions, please get in touch with our office team who will be able to help you.
Kind regards
School Office
For bookings, please contact our school office via email or please call 01626 862605, during office hours.
We had a really busy summer term in breakfast and after school club. They have made new friends, helped new children settle in and learn some new skills. We’ve made the most of our wonderful school grounds when the weather has been good.
Planning for Year 2024
Spring Term - 1st Half
Theme - Winter - Big bird watch, Valentine Day
Spring Term - 2nd Half
Theme - Explore & Investigate/Mother's Day
Summer Term 2024
Theme - Dens/Euro 2024
Over the Autumn term 2023 we have welcomed many new families to Gatehouse Childcare. We were blessed with warm weather and spent time outside playing the first half term. Children have made friends and got reaquainted with old ones.
After half term we had Halloween and then into Christmas. We played games and for Christmas made cards, tree decorations, wrote letters to Santa and serched the room for chocolates hidden my our own naughty elf Oaksey.
This term the weather so far has not been so kind but we’ve still managed to get out a few times, board games and construction has been a great way to spend time with others here, or the children have just sat chatting.
Planning for the Wrap Around Care - 2022/23
Autumn Term 1st Half - Harvest festival, Halloween
Autumn Term 2nd Half - Remembrance, Christmas, Men's Football World Cup
Spring Term - 1st Half - Mother's Day, Easter
Spring Term - 2nd Half - The Kings Coronation, Pirates and Dens
All areas of learning and development covered - guided and free play
Wrap Around Care - new mobile number 07543302089
Parents can call during the club's opening times.
All Bookings to be made through the office 01626 862605.
4th April 2022
As a result of the questionnaire regarding our wrap around care for Gatehouse Childcare these are the new prices and times:
Breakfast times - same times - price increase by £0.50 per session to £4.75 per child
1st session After School Club - same times - price increase by £0.50 per session to £4.50 per child
2nd session After School Club - reduced by half a hour, now closing at 5.30pm - new price of £7.50 per child
Due to low numbers we will now finish earlier on a Thursday at 4.30pm.
These changes will come into effect after the summer 1st half term on Tuesday 7th June 2022 for the timings and the new price change will start after the summer term 2022.
This will be reviewed after a period of 3 terms.
If you are unexpectedly late to collect your child, please inform the club by telephone immediately.
You may be charged an additional cost, the pricing that applies to the later session, til 5.30pm, and if after 5.30pm, or on the days the club closes at 4.30pm, a late collection fee of £20.00 will be applied.
Wrap Around Care
“We listen to stories”
We offer an on-site, home from home, safe, caring and friendly environment for children before and after school hours with themed activities to suit all ages.
There is a range of food for breakfast and a simple snack type tea for those staying for the later session in the evening.
We encourage children to use their imaginations and create their own play.
- We are open each day during the school term and are conveniently located in ‘The Pad’ at the front of the school.
- We collect the children from their classroom.
- Children start the afternoon with a drink and a piece of fruit.
- There are many activities den making, cooking, board games, construction toys, books and football.
- Use of computers and the library to help with homework.
“We can play with our friends and make dens.”
There are many activities available from board games, cooking, books, and creative crafts. Children can do homework or play in the outside area. The Club Manager has planned co-ordinated activities which the children can participate in. The school facilities are often available for activities and during the summer much time is spent outside.
Admission Procedures and Booking
Parent information and booking forms are available from Mrs Toney or the school office. We must have current contact details and bookings must be booked and paid for at least half term in advance, unless a payment plan has been agreed. If you would like to visit or meet our staff, please contact the manger, Mrs Toney, through the school office to organise this.
If your child needs to take any medication whilst at the club a permission form must be completed as in the school day. Only medication which has prescribed by a doctor with a prescription label can be administered by staff.
Fees and Payments
All bookings should be paid in advance and booking forms completed and returned to the wrap around care staff. If you need a short notice booking, please call the school office on 01626 862605 to confirm space is available (we may not be able to immediately confirm places). Payments should be made through parentpay or by cheque payable to The First Federation Trust.
(FFT Debt Recovery Policy will be followed if payment is not received
If you no longer require the session, please let us know as soon as possible. If your child is absent from school due to sickness please leave a message with the staff if they have a booking made with us. Charges may apply for late notice, please let us know of any changes as soon as possible.
Safeguarding and Confidentiality
We maintain confidentiality and information regarding our children as in line with school policy, safeguarding and data protection.
Management of the Club
The club is run by Gatehouse Primary Academy and subject to all the school policies. These are available on our website or the First Federation protection.
All parents who register their child for out of hours’ childcare will be required to complete a booking form in advance for each half term. These forms are available from staff at wrap around care.
Educational Themes
Each term there is an exciting theme for themed activities such as “Explorers” or “Pirates”.
Areas of development and learning such as:
- Personal and social development
- Language and literacy
- Problem solving and numeracy
- Knowledge and understanding of world
- Physical development
- Creative development
Contact Details
Gatehouse Primary Academy
Wrap Around Care
Secmaton Lane
School Office 01626 862605 - office opens at 8.15am and closes at 4.00pm
Meet the Team
Miss Brock - Manager
Mrs Robinson - Play Assistant
Mrs Bryantrowe - Play Assistant
Miss Nelson - Play Assistant
Miss Gibbs - Play Assistant
Miss Riley - Play Assistant
Come and join us!