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Physical Education

Physical Education at Gatehouse

At Gatehouse, our PE curriculum is constructed over a 2 year rolling programme. The programme has been constructed in so that over the pupils Gatehouse journey they will cover all areas of Physical Education.

EYFS have a core focus in the 2 prime areas of Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development and the specific area of Expressive Arts and Design.


In Key Stage one, we begin with a focus on ‘Fundamental Movement Skills’ -  through themes such as dance, gym, yoga and athletics – and Games – through themes such as ball skills, striking & fielding, sending & receiving and target games.


In Key stage two, we continue to develop these ‘Fundamental Movement Skills’ and develop our knowledge of games with a sport as a vehicle for delivering the skills.


In Key Stage 1&2, this year we have introduced another unit called Health Related Exercise where we will focus on health, muscles and endurance. We will focus on developing children’s knowledge of how the food & drink we consume affects our body & develop children’s ability to exercise at different intensities.  


To see what ‘Units’ are being taught in each year group attached below is our 1 Page overview and Curriculum Maps

For a more detailed breakdown please read the Gatehouse Physical Education commitment attached below.


Our curriculum has been written with careful consideration of the aims of the National Curriculum, to ensure that children are given a wealth of opportunities to develop their physical skills as well as achieving whole child objectives. Within our curriculum programme we have included; Social, Emotional and Thinking (SET) ‘whole child’ objectives.


Lots of our classes at Gatehouse are mixed aged; children will be progressing through together and are assessed according to the outcomes expected for their age. We have a clear progression of skills for each unit linked to essential key vocabulary.


Each lesson has progressive activities that are designed to inspire and engage, allowing Gatehouse pupils to explore and develop skills before applying them. The lessons have key success criteria which provides clear information to help the pupils develop their skill level and teaching points appear throughout to help teachers with their subject knowledge. 


Gatehouse Primary Academy is committed to delivering two hours of weekly high quality PE to every pupil.

Every class throughout the school is supported at least three times by an external coach from Primary Sports Education, who works alongside the class teacher.

Curriculum overview, Commitment and Curriculum Maps:

Physical Education Partners at Gatehouse


At Gatehouse, we have been working with Primary Sports and Education for the past 5 years and they have been working alongside staff and working with children to ensure all Physical Education Lessons are of the highest standard.


In addition, to this we are part of the Dartmoor Schools Sports Partnership which is our pathway to competitive sports events in Devon. Where we work in partnership to ensure that all groups of children have access to competitive sports or sporting festivals – including those who excel, are identified as disadvantaged or children with SEND.


Gatehouse Primary use GetSet4PE as a model for progression of skills and knowledge and to support teacher CPD and subject knowledge. 

PE at Gatehouse

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Competitions at Gatehouse

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