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Starting the day rushed and arriving late makes it hard for children to settle in the classroom.

Children who arrive late will miss vital information given at the start of the day by their class teachers.


Arriving late in the classroom can make children feel anxious or embarrassed.

Children who arrive late also disrupt the other children in the classroom who are ready to start learning.


Please support the school in our aim to help your children achieve their full potential by bringing your child to school on time every day.



The times children can safely arrive at school and can go into their classroom will be clearly communicated to parents. This information is available on our school website.

The attendance of children who arrive late will be registered as follows:


A child arriving after the register has started but before the register has closed will be coded as “late” (code L).


A child arriving after the register has closed will be coded as “Late after registration closed” (code U). This is counted as an “Unauthorised Absence” (see appendix for use of other codes). Pupil Attendance Policy Page 3


The times from which children will be marked as “late” or “ late after registration closed” will be clearly communicated to parents. 

September 2020 - Welcome Back (new start / end timings)
