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Information about the school day

September 2023

Start time/end and collection locations


Start of Day:     Gates open: 8:40am

                           Registration: 8:50am - gates close

                           Marked as Late: 9:00am 

End of the Day: 3:20pm


School is open for 32.50 hours in a typical week.



Start of the Day

End of the Day


Main gate then walk down to the double doors, near the KS1 playground. 

(As you enter the school head right around the building)


EYFS classroom doors (EYFS outside play area)

Entry and departure through the left hand small main gate, the gate will open at 3.15pm.

(As you enter the school, head left around the building towards the Field)

Unit 1

(Year 1&2)

Pencil gate, drop and go, staff members will take the children into school.


KS1 classroom doors

Entry and departure through the pencil gate, the gate will open at 3.15pm 

Unit 2

(Years 3&4)

Main gate, drop and go, staff members will take the children into school


Main gate, a staff member will drop the children to the gate for collection.

Entry and departure through main gate.

Unit 3

(Years 5&6)

Main gate, drop and go, a staff members will take the children into school

Main gate, a staff member will drop the children to the gate for collection. (Lots of Year 5/6 pupils walk home independently.)


If you have multiple children across the school, please be assured that no child will be allowed to leave the school until you have picked your child up eg if you are picking up a younger pupil from inside the school grounds, the teachers will hold onto your KS2 pupils until you have walked to the horseshoe. For older pupils who are allowed to walk home, please can you complete the slip, which will be sent to you separately from the school office.

