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Of course children are ill on occasions and when this is the case we readily accept that being at home is the best place to be.


Children can’t help being ill and as a school we want all our children to be well and healthy to able to learn happily and confidently when they are here. 

If your child is too unwell to attend school...


On the first day of absence and on each subsequent day, please phone the school absence line on 01626 862605 as soon as possible, but before 9.05am, to leave a message stating your child’s name, class and the reason of absence. Or, you can email us at, or contact can be made through the My Ed app, prior to that morning’s registration.


If a child fails to get a registration mark at the beginning of the day and no explanation has been received, the school will attempt to make contact that morning by telephone or via our text / app messaging system.


Following an absence please write a note or letter explaining the reason for the absence. Where possible please provide medical evidence.


If your child is repeatedly unwell, as a supportive strategy the family support officer may invite you into school for an informal chat to discuss the matter.

Medical appointments


A child who is out of school for medical/dental appointments will be marked as ‘M’ which is an authorised absence. Permission must be sought beforehand. In circumstances which arise to a child being absence from school for a significant period of time each school will:


  • Be sensitive to the individual needs and circumstances of returning pupils.
  • Involve parents/carers and other appropriate agencies in establishing a return to school plan. 
  • Agree timescale for review of the plan.
  • Involve/inform all staff in any return to school process.
  • Provide opportunities for counselling and feedback
  • Consider peer support and mentoring as appropriate.

Attendance Handbook
