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PE and Sport Premium

Our Vision for Physical Education

The over-arching aim of Gatehouse Primary Academy Sports Vision Statement is to ensure that all children leave the school at the end of KS2 with the ability to continue as lifelong participants of physical education (PE), predominantly through extra-curricular club participation. 


Aim 1 – To ensure that all children leave Gatehouse with a broad exposure to different sports which in turn will contribute to becoming lifelong participants of PE.

Aim 2 – To increase the participation/ engagement levels of all children within the school. 

Aim 3 – To increase the skills and knowledge of staff through CPD. 

Aim 4 – To ensure there is sustainable impact from the expenditure beyond the funding years.


We are committed to providing a healthy lifestyle for our children and are proud to offer a wide range of sporting activities to build on our P.E curriculum. 

Gatehouse Sports Premium 2023/24 Review

Water Safety Talk - Surf Lifesaving

KS1 and KS2 have been learning about how to keep safe both in and near the water. We were lucky enough to have the Above Water charity join us in school to share some key messages and misconceptions about what it means to keep safe at the water's edge, as well as some strategies to consider should you decide to go into the water.


Thank you to Brendan from Above Water who gave a number of very informative sessions across the school to help keep us safe!

Bowls Taster Session


Our Year 6 pupils were lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit Dawlish Bowls Club and take part in a series of activities which allowed them to experience the disciplines required to play a game. Through activities such as target practice for line and length as well as small group coaching, the children's skills certainly developed over the course of the session with many showing a keen interest to continue in the future.


A big thank you to Rick Purcell and the members of Dawlish Bowls Club for organising these sessions.


Should your child wish to continue playing Bowls outside of school, there are sessions set up for children from Gatehouse to take part in every Tuesday after school from 3.30-4.30. Parents/Guardians should attend the first session to establish memberships and collection arrangements where necessary. 

Interhouse Netball Y5/6


Year 5 and 6 spent Tuesday afternoon at Dawlish College putting the skills they had learnt in PE to the test by taking part in their termly inter-house competition. All four houses had both an A and B team play each other in a round robin competition, whilst other skill-based activities were available to play during matches. 


Congratulations to Coryton House who prevailed as winners! 


Coryton - 500 points

Warren - 300 points

Brook - 200 points

Swans - 100 points


A big thank you to Dawlish College and their Sports Leaders who were able to help us make this happen!


Later in the Spring term, the children will be competing in Inter-house Football.

Hockey Taster Session


Year 5 pupils visited Dawlish College to take part in a taster session for Hockey, which was organised by Teign Hockey Club. The session was split into three parts where children took part in a series of dribbling, control and shooting skills before putting this altogether within a match environment. It was great to see so many children taking part in the sport for the first time as well as many picking up the skills very quickly! 


Should your child express an interest in taking up Hockey with Teign, please visit the website link below:
