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School Uniform

Gatehouse Primary Academy - School Uniform


Children in EYFS, who started school in September, can wear a white polo shirt.

A shirt and tie is not required until the children reach Year 1.


For everyone else the uniform is as follows:

  • V-neck sweatshirt/cardigan with logo or without logo (plain red): Red
  • Skirt/pinafore: Black or grey
  • Trousers: Black or grey (no leggings or hot pants/skinny jeans)
  • Shirt: White (no polo shirts)
  • School tie
  • Tights or socks: Black/Grey/White (no leggings underneath)
  • Summer Term Dress: Striped/checked: Red/White
  • Sensible black shoes
  • No trainers, boots, shoes with open toes or heels please
  • Long hair must be tied back


PE/GAMES Kit – Girls and Boys

Please could we ask that all children keep a full PE Kit in school at all times, which consists of:

  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Plimsolls (for indoor PE) and trainers (for outdoor PE or plimsolls can be worn outside);Tracksuits, jogging bottoms or warm sports clothing are not to be worn during the Summer Term and teachers will advise when the children can wear these items - they must be plain black.
  • White or black shorts (no brand names i.e. Adidas, Nike, Reebok etc.)


General Information

  • Red Book Bags, Rucksacks and PE Bags are available to purchase with our logo but children are permitted to use their own style of sensible bag.
  • All items of clothing, all school bags and lunch boxes/bottles need to be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
  • The school has an agreed policy for the wearing of jewellery. Children may have a maximum of one pair of earrings (studs or sleepers and one in each ear) and may wear a watch. No other jewellery or accessory is permitted. These will need to be removed for PE or tape provided for the earrings for health and safety.
  • Children may not wear make-up.


Please can we request that hair styles are sensible or hair is not dyed an obvious change in colour.  Long hair to be tied up.


Year 5 and 6 Swimming lessons

We would like to clarify the requirements for swimwear during swimming lessons at school. Girls are expected to wear one piece costumes for comfort and practicality. Boys are expected to wear swimming trunks/shorts. Further, all costumes should be made of appropriate material that does not shed fibres into the pool as this blocks the filters.


If a child has specific needs that requires bespoke swimwear please contact the school directly. 

Schoolwear Direct Price List - order and pay online

Sweatshirt £9.00

Cardigan £9.40

Gym sack £3.95

Book Bag £7.95

Rucksack £11.40

Standard Ties £4.50

Clip on Tie £5.00


After many years of being our supplier for uniform, Stitch3sixty, we would like to thank them for all their support and outstanding service. We now welcome a new supplier and a new online ordering service.

Stock on site is still available if you wish to purchase from us directly via ParentPay.

Please do not hesitate to contact the office should you have queries.


Follow the link to order:


For stock on school site, please email with your requirements.

Pre Loved Uniform at Gatehouse - Pop into the schools reception area and the team will help!
