First Federation Trust
The school is part of the First Federation Trust, a multi-academy trust. Its governing body is the Board of Directors of the First Federation Trust.
More information about the governance of the school can be found on the First Federation website, using the links below:
Members of the First Federation Trust
For information about the members’ role, who they are and their register of business and pecuniary interests.
For information about the directors’ role, the composition of the board, the role of committees and advisory boards & groups, and the scheme of delegation.
For directors biographies, their register of pecuniary and business interests and attendance records, and how to contact the directors.
For information about the composition of the hub boards and who the members of those boards are.
For information about the role of parent council members and who they are.
Parent council members are an important link between the board of directors and each school within the Trust. They have a valued role within the Trust governance to help the board of directors fulfil their core duties:
1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
2. Holding the Chief Executive Officer and senior leaders to account for the educational performance of the Trust schools and their pupils; and
3. Overseeing the financial performance of the Trust and making sure its money is well spent.
Each parent council member is a member of the governance hub advisory board for their school. They are normally linked to another school within the Trust and visit their school and their linked school termly.
More information about the governance structure of the First Federation can be found on the Trust website:
You do not need to be an expert in the field of education for this role. What you do need is an interest in children’s education, the First Federation and very importantly the time and willingness to get involved. Training and support is provided.
What are First Federation Trust Parent Council Members?
Parent council members represent the voice of a parent (i.e. a ‘typical’ parent) not the voice of the parents. Their primary expertise is as a parent and their role is to support and challenge all the schools in the First Federation Trust to improve outcomes for children. As a parent at an individual school within the Trust they will have a good working knowledge of that school through their child’s education and their interaction with the school. We link each parent council member to another school within the Trust.
In practice, what are they expected to do?
The Trust parent council member will:
• Visit their own school and linked school once a term for 2 hours during the school day, together with their paired parent council member. The visit will include:
o Taking part in a learning walk with a member of the school leadership focusing on the First Federation Trust internal consistencies
o Focussing on an aspect of school improvement
o Talking to staff and children
o Receiving an update on events to promote parental engagement and links with the local community
• After each visit, send a report, using the agreed template, to the hub clerk within 10 working days of the visit.
• Attend the Governance Hub advisory board meetings (currently five a year)
• Attend training as necessary.
What does the role offer?
• A chance to develop your own personal skills
• Access to free training in respect of education and governance matters
• A sense of achievement in helping to make a difference to children’s education
Are you looking for people with particular skills?
We would be delighted to hear from anyone who:
• Is interested in children’s education and the performance of a group of schools
• Has an enquiring mind, and has the confidence to ask questions and debate issues that have an impact on the quality of education we provide
• Can consider matters strategically, objectively and make informed judgements
• Has an enthusiastic and proactive attitude
• Is able to work well as part of a team
For formal documents about the First Federation Trust: memorandum and articles of association, funding agreements, annual reports and financial statements.
For minutes of governance meetings.