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Cooking with Mr Stephens - KS2

Amazing first week ! Well done everyone!

The menu was homemade pork meatballs in a creamy chive sauce, with chips and vegetables.

Next week Pasta Bake.

The club is to give the children the skills to cook together and eat together. Thank you to the families who came in to join us and eat.

This club runs on a Monday evening from 3:30-4:30pm with families coming in together at around 5pm to eat together -this includes older and younger siblings. There is a small cost to cover the cost of the fresh meat and vegetables (We have a £100 grant from Sainsbury’s to support). Therefore, the cost will always be cheaper than what it would cost for families to buy.

A payment option is now available, for each week, on parentpay and will be an approx. weekly charge of £1.90.

