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Covid 19 Update for Parents/ Carers

Covid 19 Update for Parents/ Carers


Dear parents/ carers


We were all aware at the beginning of January that we were likely to have a bumpy half of term with Covid 19, as a school we had been largely unaffected by Covid 19 with just a small steady flow in the second half of the Autumn term and very few cases before this. 


We are now in a challenging position where we have a highly transmissible variant but most measures that were in place in schools are no longer deemed necessary. Please be assured that the school is in regular contact with the DfE, PHE and the FFT to ensure that we mitigate as much risk as possible in the school environment.  


Some classes have been heavily impacted by Omicron so far this term, whilst others have had very few cases, classes that have been affected are currently having a staggered start and end to the day, please can all others classes arrive as normal in the mornings from 8.40am.


However, unlike in other terms, this term, we have had several staff testing positive, but again to reassure you, the school is still very much operational. If this is to change, we will of course, let you know, it is the DfE's ambition that home learning should be the last resort whilst we are at this stage of the pandemic. 


Please can we ask that any siblings of those that have tested positive for Covid 19 take a daily LFT and where possible please can we suggest that LFT's are taken before attending big events outside of school. 


Please stay safe everyone.


Best wishes


Leila Naldrett

Head of School