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Healthy Food Choices

Dear Parent/carer


We are all settling into our new routine, you are all doing amazing! 


Delicious healthy snacks can help children refuel during the day.


​Examples of what you can offer are:-

​Dried Fruit, Vegetables, Fruit, Yoghurt Flakes


Try to avoid :-

Biscuits, Chocolate, Crisps, Sweets, Chocolate Covered Bars, Cookies


Our suggestions for a healthy packed lunch are:-


Fresh fruit, crunchy vegetables

Meat or protein food such as slices of lean meat, hardboiled egg

Dairy food such as a cheese stick or slice, grated cheese, milk or yoghurt

Starchy food such as bread a roll, pita or flat bread or crackers, water


We have attached some useful links for you to view, giving ideas for meal times.


Our team are here to help and support, please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you need any advice, assistance or someone to talk to about food options, menu planning, meal times and healthy food choices.
