First Federation Trust
At Gatehouse, we teach maths using the characters from the BBC series “Numberblocks”. This popular series acts as the basis for our focussed maths lessons as it brings numbers to life and offers learning opportunities which can then be explored in the classroom using a variety of resources. The children enjoy practising their early maths skills such as sorting, counting, measuring, making repeating patterns, number recognition and more, through fun practical activities both indoors and outdoors. Children can explore their understanding of, for example, capacity at the sand or water trays, or counting and measuring ingredients while playing in the mud kitchen area.
Over the course of their year in Reception, the children will be learning to count reliably up to 20, place numerals up to 20 in the correct order, say what is one more or less than a given number, solve problems, recognise, create, and describe patterns as well as learn to name and describe a variety of 2D and 3D shapes.