First Federation Trust
Green Letter - Where a child's attendance is giving the school cause for concern an attendance letter will be sent advising the parent that their child's attendance has dropped below 96%.
If attendance continues to drop, the schools Family Support Worker will contact the family to help and support.
Amber Letter - If a parent has already received a green letter and their child's attendance continues to fall to below 93% an amber letter will be sent inviting the parent to attend a meeting with member(s) of the attendance team to try and work out if the school can support the family in any way to improve the child's attendance.
We will also enquire if the child has an ongoing medical condition that the school can help and support with should the absences be due to a high number of days due to illness and medical appointments.
Red Letter - This letter is sent if you have already received a green and amber letter and your child's attendance has continued to fall to below 90%. At this point your child is considered a 'Persistent Absent' pupil. The Education Welfare Officer may be contacted to seek advice and be involved.
Continued low absence, for reasons not deemed acceptable by the school or the Education Welfare Officer will be dealt with by the EWO. If you, as the parent/carer, do not follow any plan or contract set out by the officer you may be fined or served with a court summons.
Medical Absences / Illness
If absences are due to illness or medical and the level of attendance of the child is becoming a concern the school will send a soft medical letter advising parents of their child's attendance record and identifying how many sessions / marks are due to medical / illness out of the possible amount attended. They will be reminded to obtain medical evidence where possible.