First Federation Trust
Dear parents and carers
Please see below reminders for various events happening across the school next week:
Tuesday 4th 9am: Year 1 parents invited to watch early reading and writing in practice - please contact the office to book
Tuesday 4th: Unit 2 Local Geography walk - please ensure your child has a waterproof coat and suitable footwear/wellies
Thursday 6th: Years 3&4 1.00pm – Years 5&6 2.00pm - KS2 sports afternoon - families welcome to come and watch
Thursday 6th 9.30am and 10.00am: EYFS 2023 tour and drop in session. - please contact the office to book a place
Thursday 6th 9.15am: Murray class assembly - families welcome
If you have any queries, or would like to book in to any of the sessions, please contact the school office.
Many thanks
School Office