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We have received updated guidelines with regards to separated parents

We have received updated guidelines with regards to separated parents

Everyone who is a parent, as recognised under education law can participate in their child’s education. All parents can also receive information about the child, even though, for day-to-day purposes, the school’s main contact is likely to be a parent with whom the child lives on school days.

The guidance states that school and local authority staff must treat all parents equally, unless a court order limits a parent’s ability to make educational decisions, participate in school life or receive information about their children.

The guidance states that in accordance with Regulation 5(1)(c) of the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2013, headteachers must ensure that:· names and addresses of all parents are included in the admission register.

Headteachers should therefore:· request from parents or guardians for contact details, including names and addresses, of all parents when they register a pupil, ensure that they note details of court orders in a pupil’s record.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school or click on the link.
