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Welcome back message from Mrs Naldrett

Dear parents/carers


I just wanted to send you all a quick note to say how fantastically well the children have come into school this week. Our youngest children in EYFS look super cute in their new school uniforms and the staff in the unit have been so proud of how well they have settled in. Across the rest of the school the older children have adapted very well to the loosening of the Covid restrictions and have been so happy to play with children across their year groups/units during break and lunchtimes. As a staff we have been so impressed by the children's behaviour across the school, we've seen some wonderful manners and, in their learning, they have been listening well and have been eager to participate and impress in all activities. 


I also wanted to let you know that we have appointed a new receptionist to our staff team as Mrs Holman resigned from the post during the school holidays, I am pleased to announce that Emily Gray will be joining our team from Monday, Emily is also a parent to 3 pupils at the school. I know you will make her feel very welcome in her new role and will be patient and understanding whilst she learns our processes and procedures.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and we cannot wait to see all the children again next week! 


Best wishes


Leila Naldrett

Head of School
